The Native Sutra Story

‘NativeSutra‘ literally means the thread (Sutra) that connects you to your place of birth (Native).

But we are more than that.

We are the thread that helps our clients feel safe in the knowledge that their property will always be taken care of.

The thread that brings joy to new homeowners who never have to worry about home interior design again. As it will be done on time. Guaranteed.

We are the thread that makes owning a property, a joyful experience. As it should be.

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‘NativeSutra’ literally means the thread (Sutra) that connects you to your home / place of birth (Native). And our brand’s identity expresses that very idea.

The brand value of “connection” is expressed with a circle connecting the letters ‘V’ and ‘A’. The circle represent the globe which corresponds to our clients all over the world. The end of letter ‘V’ and ‘A’ are extended such that they align at an angle 24° forming the axis of the globe.
In short, a ‘global connection’.

How it all began?

NativeSutra is the brainchild of Parul and Vineet who wanted their home to be fitted well.

This led to creation of first avatar of the venture called HomesByParul. Over time the venture experienced great success and evolved into a new brand called NativeSutra.

Despite getting the best professionals to do home interior design for them, the end result was far from expectation. They observed the same experience with their friends living overseas and also those who were too busy in life to spend a large part of their time on getting their homes fitted out or managed.

What started off in 2016, the venture has now delivered hundreds of homes fitted out to exact expectation of the clients and closely project managed to handover on or before time.

Thanks to a fantastic experience of it’s clients, what started off as a home interior design & interior design company now also manages a few hundred crores worth of homes for its’s clients on a long-term basis. A true commitment towards end-to-end hassle-free experience.

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About The Founders


Cofounder, Head Of Design & Projects

Parul is a practicing architect and an interior designer. She plays a central role in design and operations for NativeSutra™. Her innovative approach and keen eye for detail ensure every project embodies bespoke luxury and functional beauty.

Cofounder, Head Of Growth & Strategy

Vineet is an Electronics engineer and an MBA with over 30 years of experience in global leadership roles in Fortune 500 companies. He drives the vision, strategy, processes, and growth within the organization.

They have both lived overseas and understand the challenges of managing a home without being around. Their vision is to redefine the process for Home Interior Design & Home fitout Design along with Property Management as a seamless and hassle-free experience for clients who expect the very best.